"Must remember to look for it."
"Must remember to buy."
"Must remember to find carrying space for it."
"Must remember to bring."
Reminders to make sure my bed space secured.
Malaysians tend to travel overseas packed with local delicacies, no matter store bought or home made. More so when we plan to visit friends and relatives. Our food is just irreplaceable. =P So naturally when we decided to bunk in at generous friend’s abode in Hong Kong, she gave strict orders for each of us to replenish her Malaysian larder in return.
Amongst a few other dry foodstuff, I was to fulfill her order for packets of instant Kopi-O (Local Malaysian coffee with sugar drink). Choo-choo Train brand in green, she insisted. Real meticulous description, don’t you think? Ok she did furnish an empty packet for reference but I misplaced it. Hunted high and low, left right and center (of course) at the retailers’ shelves. ..‘foh-cheh’.. train.. ‘huey-cheah’.. choo-choo.. keretapi.. Found!
Of course I was curious so I bought my share and tried. Potent and not too sweet. I was hooked.
And that was a post hibernating in my backlog until today, a year later, finally published. *shy*
Nevertheless, it's no loss but more information to gain. They've change the packaging slightly but luckily the authentic old kopitiam kopi-o taste remains. Todate, friends and I are still hooked on it.
It's Margarine roasted AND produced in Penang! Sadly, most Kuala Lumpur grocers still do not carry the product and those that do, more often than not, run out of stock. Latest, it now has a 3 in 1 version (coffee with sugar and creamer). Forget it.
Price:- around RM6.40 for 20 individual sachets in a shiny bag.
Location: Last bought from Cold Storage, Ikano Power Center, Damansara Perdana. Purchase before from Giant Hypermarket Bandar Kinrara, Puchong. Heard it is available at Central Hypermarket, Off Old Klang Road too. Quite elusive as searches conducted at other popular hypermarkets, supermarkets and several sundry shops turned up empty.
Trivia thot:
Pssst here’s a tip for a non-food gift to bring over to that ex-British colony. Electric jug kettle in the circa of RM60. It was in friend’s order list. Apparently there’re only expensive brands for sale there. And for Perth dwellers, rice cookers!
By the looks of the speed of my China posts, obviously I'm taking a looongggggg coffee break. =P