I know I know I've been neglecting you. Again. But you know I'm telling you the truth when I say you are my one and only. Yes yes I did think of committing to another before but it was just a frivolous thot for a time. A long time ago. I may not be consistent but I'm quite persistent. Persistently trying to surprise you and get you the attention you craves. So please forgive me. Again. Thank you, dear Blog.
Is it just me or whenever the 3 quarter of the year arrives, time increases its flying speed. So many trips, so many eats, so many back posts, so little time. *sigh* So much weight. *SIGH*
Let's put a hiccup post in between my long winded China posts.
Last month I had to make an unexpected trip up north due to a family emergency. My father was hospitalised due to non-precious stones found in him. See, dear seniors out there, please drink more good 'ol plain water. Leave the flavourful drinks to the very young who still do cartwheels and climb monker bars.
Ok back to my food post. During that trip, found an interesting must see must try bun:-
Charcoal Bamboo Bun with Sesame Seeds
Now tell me that picture is not appetising.
What about these?
Tastewise, quite bland with a very slight bamboo fragrance but I definitely did not buy it for its taste! Price:- RM2.20 (I think) for a pack of 4 bunsThe brave bakery's contact:- 
Blog dearest, moi forgiven?