Community Service, sort of
Reminder / Deed of the Month
Today's the day
Want to thank me?
Stay away from the Sogo Dept's stall cause I'll be there!
*squinting beady eyes and growling*
On 2nd thot, Mama brought me up right so on a more civil approach, thank you for your cooperation.
On 2nd thot, Mama brought me up right so on a more civil approach, thank you for your cooperation.

heheh..thks for the reminder! Seems that the kiosk at Pavillion chap lup alrei??
Eh... me confused leh....
thenomadGourmand, guess too few 19th in a month. *ke-lien*
Selba, haha. Post is directed at those in Malaysia who are fans of the hotdogs. Attempting to ask the fanatic ones to stay clear of the stall at Sogo Dept Store so it'll be a shorter queue for me. =P
HAHAHAHah too much!!!!! But thanks for the reminder.. need to pay my CC bill today.. no money for lunch.. thr promo works for me hehehe
so every month also got offer?
cool. 19th then .... now lemme check if Ipoh's only outlet (i think) still opens for biznes not ...
Marks down 19th on Calendar. Roll sup sleeves and eyes Tummy. Hahaha...A bit far from my office though.
teckiee, what to do? It's forseeable not a trickle of that RM60 billion will be stimulating my pockets. *sigh*
J2Kfm, stall still intact?
Unkaleong, Alo! Long time no see u around here. KLCC just a lrt station away, no?
It's going at 1.99. Unthinkable!
worldwindows, think it eat it.
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