Hail the King!
In physical form they are rolling down the hills, bouncing in lorries, basking by the roadsides, dozing in supermarkets.
In vapours, unmistakably it's in the air and on the locals' breath (and other bodily air disseminator).Durians.
This is not the most sought after Musang King (because I do not like the slight bitter taste) but just an ordinary gradeless village variety. Shhwweeeet crrreeaamy gooeyyyyy pungent yum-yum!
Have it with rice, nice!
(hey you there, stop making that ewwws look.)
Bow to the Queen!
Ok. These are way old pictures taken with my RAZR handphone. Been eating bags of it lately and yet kept forgetting to snap any. Sadly the supply nowadays are mostly from Thailand. Was told that the local variety is of better grade so they are exported to developed countries. *sigh* Well, these are still sweet messy eats. Oh these are mangosteens, manggis in Malay.
Look, the Jester!
On Ugly Betty, it's smacked with the name Tico Berries. Now tell me does it not sound like Tickle (&) Bare Me? In Malaysia, it's rambutan. Twist it open and wahlah! Jokes aside... just bite. Smmmooothh shhhweeeeet succcuuulent juicy inside. But careful, remember the woody core else the joke may be on you. Usually I'll peel a good bunch and refrigerate the succulent seeds for easy snacks.
Again, these were brought in from our North neighbour. Yes, because the local variety is of bett... blah blah blah. Are we saying that we are too underdeveloped for our developed fruits? We are going backwards or are our fruits just advancing faster? What's next? Rice? Petrol? Ooops that's already in the works.
That's all for now. This post was done before I went on my 2 weeks trip which sad to say, I did not really enjoy the eats I had. (i_i). Hope to have more royalties to cheer me up this weekend!